Here you'll find recordings of four BONUS exploration and energy healing calls. As you listen, it's recommended that you test for yourself, using muscle testing or your own intuitive process, to see which of the imbalances that come up during each session is relevant and present for you at this time. For any that are present for you and can be cleared at this time, simply clear them for yourself along with the group, which can be done by swiping your hand over the top of your head (corresponding with the Governing Meridian of the body) three times with the intention to clear the energetic imbalance, or any other energetic clearing method you prefer to use (such as tapping).
Clearing blocks related to Self Doubt, Self Sabotage, Unworthiness, and Imposter Syndrome
Clearing Disempowering Beliefs and Blocks about Money and Abundance
Firing your "Sales Prevention Department"
Blocks to Speaking Powerfully About What You Do