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Sale ended, I'm sorry you missed this one...
Let's create an amazing 2021!
3 Day Sale and Celebration!
Let's ring out 2020 and ring in 2021 with abundance, love, transformation, and prosperity for all!
3 days only: save 60 - 77% off these programs to help your heart-centered business take off NOW -- so you can soar high in 2021!
Be sure to check out all of these Soulpreneur Success offers, including the special bundle below!
(and your Party invitation at the bottom of the page)
This is a digital program, device not included.
(Included in the 3-in-1 Soulpreneur Package, see below)
Save 66% off "Referrals Made Easy: 5-Day Business Breakthrough!"
This is a digital program, device not included.
(Included in the 3-in-1 Soulpreneur Package, see below)
Save 66% off "Raise Your Prices with Confidence"
My best strategies to communicate new pricing to existing clients, without losing any of them! Includes video training and step by step workbook, as well as sample emails!
(Included in the 3-in-1 Soulpreneur Package, see below)
Save 73% off "Irresistible Testimonials Made Easy!"
This is a digital program, devices not included.
Can't choose? Get the"3-in-1 Soulpreneur Package" and save even more on all three of the above offers:
Get all three, Referrals Made Easy, Raise Your Prices with Confidence, and Irresistible Testimonials Made Easy and take off in 2021!
Now just $179, save an additional $22 on top of the original savings
Save 64% off Soulpreneur Success Academy Membership!
Save 66% off Private 1-1 "Get More Yesses!" VIP Experience
$2900, now 76% off, only $700
Especially for Moms:
This is a digital program, device not included.
Save 70% off "5 Day Stress Detox for Moms"
Save 70% off "Calm Mom: Beyond Stress Relief to Lasting Balance and Peace"
$297, now 71% off, only $87
This is a digital program, device not included.
In purchasing any of these products, I agree to receive my purchase(s) digitally as well as follow-up tips & communication. I can cancel at any time.
Please note that because these special offers are so drastically discounted, there are no refunds for any reason, including the timing of the live calls. The Irresistible Testimonials Live call will be recorded and you will have ongoing access to the recordings!
These special offers are available December 29 - 31 2020 only, so if this is for you, act now!
You're invited to the
New Year's Soulpreneur Community Party and Energy Clearing!
Thursday December 31st, 1 - 2:30 PM Eastern Time (US).
Let's gather together to transform and elevate this crazy year of 2020 on its way out, with sharing, fun, and energy clearing! And we'll launch ourselves beautifully into 2021 with clarity, love, abundance, and community!
Copyright Ann Hession 2020