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You need the 4 Keys: Acceleration and Alignment Booster Package
I’m Ann Hession, and I’m a heart-centered entrepreneur just like you. I also have kind of an unusual background and set of skills -- I’m an energy healer and medical intuitive, AND I’m a sales expert with over $4 million dollars of sales to my name in the last few years.
I want to talk with you about what it takes to build a great and resilient business that you can count on, even in unprecedented and unpredictable times.
…I also want to talk to you about what it takes to build a business that you love, that feeds your purpose and commitment for the world as well as your bank account, and the fact is, those two things are much more closely connected than you may have ever realized.
So if any of that matters to you, you’re in the right place!
You have what you need
You’ve been sent a powerful step by step Guide to help you create and align with the four Keys to creating a strong business that lasts.
As you go through it, you’ll see these 4 Keys are amazingly clear guides for your business, so that everything you create, all your decisions, all your marketing materials, the way you sell, who you sell to and how you sell to them, everything is aligned – these 4 Keys are clear signposts to guide you so you have that “true north" for your business, so all the decisions you have to make in your business are solid, in good times and hard times too.
These are exactly the 4 Keys that I have used to create the success I have today.
The unique business advantage no one can take away from you, or duplicate:
One of the things I’ve learned is that once you have these 4 Keys, no one can take them away from you. They make up your unique business advantage that no one can duplicate either, because it’s yours. It’s created directly from your passion, your values, your purpose, your delight, and it’s for your people, the people who respond to you and your unique offerings and gifts for the world..
The process I’ve given you here is very simple. Everything you need to do it is in the guide you’ve already been sent.
AND, I want you to know that while it’s very simple, for the great majority of business owners, simple doesn’t mean easy.
That’s why most of them, and especially most solopreneurs, mompreneurs, and small business owners, don’t ever take themselves through this kind of process, and therefore never get the benefits of the clarity and power it provides.
It took a lot for me to create these 4 Keys for myself, I didn’t do it alone.
Now I didn’t have the help of this guide I’ve created for you, and you have that…
…but I did have the support, inspiration, and guidance from many amazing mentors, teachers, coaches, and colleagues over the years.
… to be transparent with you here, I really don’t know if I would have stuck to it, even with the steps laid out for me, without that human support.
Simple and powerful, but not easy – like most worthwhile things!
That’s why I’ve created a special offer of support for you, from one heart and value based business owner to another.
As I said, all the steps you need to create your 4 Keys have already been sent to you, and I know the difference they will make in your business this week, and for years to come.
But if you know that you could use some extra support in creating what you need to create to have YOUR 4 unique Keys…
… AND you want to have an expert 1-1 review of everything you create, I’ve created this special offer just for you, for having signed up for this powerful guide:
4 Keys: Acceleration and Alignment Booster Package
If this resonates with you, and you want to take advantage of this and work with me, here is what you get:
The Booster Package includes:
- 6 training videos that walk you through how to use the 4 Keys Guide, including:
- how to get the very most out of it
- places you might stuck and maybe get in your own way and how not to let that stop you
- how to use it in your business right away
The videos are designed to make sure you do this and get the full value, to help you create a resilient and successful business that you love, no matter what.
- A live, private 1-1 call with me. Once you’ve done that amazing work, you get a live 1-1 call with me, where:
- I’ll provide an expert review of what you created -- I can't wait to see it!
- I will energetically test for you to see how aligned you and your business are right now, with everything you created, so that we can create exactly how your 4 Keys can best support, direct, and inspire you on your journey to create the business you truly want.
- If needed, I will energetically clear several imbalances / subconscious limitations I find, to bring you and your business into higher alignment immediately with the amazing Keys you’ve created!
If that resonates with you, and you want to have that extra support, training, and 1-1 time with me to review the amazing results you are going to create, then I would love to support you in that way!
… and frankly I can’t wait to see what you create, when we have our private call together! As you’ll learn soon, my Purpose is to inspire and empower people to fulfill on their Purpose, and this is one of the most powerful ways I know how to do that!
The cost of this 4 Keys: Accelerator and Alignment Boost Package is normally $397.00, and is available to you now for a limited time for only $97.00. That includes the 6 training videos as well as your private 1-1 Alignment call with me!
Just click on the link below to get started, and I can’t wait to work with you!
Yes, Boost me now!